Peeps I Want You to Know

29 Sep

I know peeps… and I want you to know them too. So lets me shed some light on some hidden talent you should be digging on. Miss Eighties ngwana is a German national who is actually of Eastern European extraction…Slovakia. She is busy immortalising Gabs peeps one portrait at a time, and typical of Botswana’s slow-to-get-it ways the lot of yous are only going to jump on it when she has moved on or is considered too expensive.

Petra Rolinec is a photographer with a very cautious eye and ethical approach to her photography, that is to say she likes to be fair with her craft. Fair in the sense that everything has to work right if she is going to take the picture, from the subjects in the frame to how they look and feel… in studio anyway. Out side of the studio a photographer just has to focus on the craft and things usually come correct. I am featuring Petra at this time as my first Peeps I Want You to Know because she occasionally does a photography session for personal portraits of people. The pictures come out looking as soft as a Tretchikoff portrait and just as sublime. The best part is these photo sessions, which take about two hours, will only cost you P300.00 for four portraits. First off Google Tretchikoff, especially his Balinese period, and consider that he did that beautiful with paint, which isn’t easy by a long shot. Now here is someone doing it with digital photography… which isn’t easy either, but is just as beautiful. Actually, that is all I need to say. The other thing you can do is look at the portraits pictures you already have, now be honest, you only like them because you had your best shoes on that day.

You ain’t getting a number from me here, this isn’t that sort of blog, but hit up my girl Petra here instead. I like Petra’s other fascinating trait which is that she is a fountain of communist information like this. So you see photography is vitally important… now go get hot photos of yourself, you never know what someone will do with them in future… at least you will look damn hot in them no matter what happens.

Say what you are thinking.